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STH-10 from a distance

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:41 am
by 3t22
Now some of you have asked in the past "how far away can you hear a siren?" Well here's your answer. This is Broad Brook (East Windsor CT) FD's 7.5 HP STH sounding for a call. There's not much to see as I don't have night vision, and the 60w bulb I got in my deck light is not bright enough (can't put anything brighter in that light per managment's rules).

Conditions were just right, cold, cloudy wind blowing around 5-10MPH from around the north/northwest (from the direction of the siren) no leaves on the trees. I'm certain I would of heard it in my bedroom. You'd never guess on how far it actually is. I missed the wind up thanks to another call in Ellington (one town over). I heard the "warble" in the background of that call, cought the dispatch, and stepped outside. There's also a bit of wind noise.

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 5:50 pm
by markslimm
I can just barely here it. we had a group of Thunderbolt 1000 in are neighboring town. that was 7 Miles way. and on sunny days you could here them with are 2001s. i could in my basement. but they were replaced with some cheap 2001s. now on sunny day you just hear a mix of 2001 and a 2t22. :cry:

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:58 pm
by CTsirenhunter
Well if this worked out so well, then I'm not surprised that I could hear Avon's STH-10 from a not-quite-as-far distance. Thanks for indirectly helping me out.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:55 pm
by cauberallies
I heard a Model 2 from 8 miles away last week. After that, I wouldn't be surprised if this was farther than that.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:57 am
by mhmcdonal
That is very faint, but very eerie sounding. So, how far away is that STH-10???

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:29 am
by 3t22
it's around 6 miles. This was the loudest I've heard it all year. It went off again about an hour after I shot that video and I heard it very well in my bedroom through an open window (the heat runs too hot, plus I get my downstairs neighbor's as well)