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Allertor, low-tone Tbolt, and 2001 in Minneapolis

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:21 pm
by ACAP10

They sound eerie together! I don't remember this one being posted...sorry if it has been!

Re: Allertor, low-tone Tbolt, and 2001 in Minneapolis

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:38 am
by ver tum
Sounds like there could be 3 separate siren systems sounding in that vid. One system has the Allertor, another has the TBolt, and another has the 2001 and the other sirens, which are possibly either T-121's or Eclipses since they don't sound like they're rotating. Notice how each system shuts down at different times. They could also have a system where the sirens sound in zones.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:09 pm
by Thunderboltlover
Minneapolis has several different kinds of older sirens, but as far as I know all newer sirens are 2001's.

They don't really seem to be replacing many of the older sirens, just more on a "as they break down" basis. They bought several 2001's for what seems like a "fill in the coverage gaps" basis as well as to replace some older sirens that were likely wearing out.